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zastava m98 Carabine à verrou Zastava modèle M9848 calibre 7x64 d'occasion Bon état général

Zastava M9848 in with a five round internal capacity and a 24′′ barrel Metal butt plate Imported by CAI out of m98 thai Zastava M9848 8mm Mauser SN: N3683 + buyer's premium + applicable fees & taxes Did you win this lot? A full invoice should be

zastava m98
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zastava m98 Carabine à verrou Zastava modèle M9848 calibre 7x64 d'occasion Bon état général

zastava m98 Zastava M9848 in with a five round internal capacity and a 24′′ barrel Metal butt plate Imported by CAI out of

Zastava M9848 8mm Mauser SN: N3683 + buyer's premium + applicable fees & taxes Did you win this lot? A full invoice should be